Editor’s Letter: July/August 2019

Gregory Cerio Opinion

The Statue of Liberty Museum opened in May on Liberty Island with much fanfare and celebrity wattage, Oprah Winfrey leading the lights. Along with statue-related memorabilia and interactive displays showing the steps in the complex process by which Liberty took full-size form, the museum contains such artifacts as a full-scale copper replica of her face and the original, much-modified torch she held in her right hand until 1986, when it was replaced by a new version with a gold leaf–covered flame (which is what sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi wanted in the first place). 

Lady Liberty’s original torch is on view in the new Statue of Liberty Museum. Photograph by Jemal Countess/Getty Images for the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation.

While we are always heartened by the debut of any museum dedicated to art and history, we were particularly gladdened by this new enterprise. The notion of liberty is much on our minds these days at the magazine. In case you missed our announcements, or the news coverage elsewhere, our publisher, Don Sparacin, and I have acquired the title from ArtNews Media, LLC. The Magazine ANTIQUES is now independent.

As I have said elsewhere, stewardship is a better word than ownership to describe the way Don and I feel about our new responsibilities. We on the staff are enormously proud of the legacy of The Magazine ANTIQUES and are honored to be its custodians—especially now with the approach of the year 2022, which will mark the 100th anniversary of the magazine’s founding. 

As dedicated members of the community of interest that surrounds the fine and decorative arts of the past, we feel that our mission is to foster enthusiasm for our cultural sphere, and to draw new people to it. Building on our print magazine, we intend to expand our program of tours, talks, and other events, and to enrich our digital presence—which includes our website, our podcast, Curious Objects, and social media platforms such as Instagram, which features daily postings from editor-at-large Glenn Adamson, and now a fun weekly arts quiz. 

On our masthead you’ll see our new Board of Advisors listed: a group of scholars, collectors, and other prominent figures in the world of art, design, and historic preservation. They have agreed to lend us their expertise and insights, and alert us to their discoveries and other new delights. Their participation is just one mark of the enormously gratifying support and encouragement we’ve received since announcing our independence. You’ll see another on the masthead, as well: our former publisher Jennifer Norton has returned as our Director of Marketing and Development. We welcome her with open arms.

We know that our readers have very high standards, and we hope for your confidence and encouragement, too. We share your love and respect for The Magazine ANTIQUES. We promise to take good care of our baby.  
